Cruises on the Douro river

Cruises on the Douro river

1 hour, 1 day or 2 days cruises.

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  • 1 hour Cruises:
    Cruise of the bridges in Rabelo boat
    Cruise of the bridges with visit to Burmester cellars
    Cruise of the bridges with visit to Calém cellars and fados
    Douro cruise with dinner and fados
    1 day cruises:
    Cruise on the Douro Oporto-Régua
    Cruise on the Douro Régua-Oporto
    Cruise on the Douro Oporto-Pinhão
    Cruise on the Douro Régua-Barca d'alva
    Cruise on the Douro Pocinho- Régua
    2 day cruises:
    Cruise on the Douro with sleep at Régua
    Cruise on the Douro Porto-Barca d'alva with sleep
    Cruise Port-Caldas de Aregos with sleep

  • AV. República, 270, 1º Piso APT1
    4430-188 V N Gaia
    +351 919199000
    +351 220935843
  • AV. República, 270, 1º Piso APT1
    4430-188 V N Gaia

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